Full Spectrum CBD Edibles
Things you can eat or drink
How much CBD cinnamon honey should I use?
Well that depends on a few factors like your height, weight, and current tolerance. If you are taller and weigh a bit more than average, you might need a higher concentration of CBD to notice an effect or feel relief.
This is also true if you have a high existing tolerance for CBD or cannabis. Are you a regular pot smoker? Do you already take other CBD products on a regular basis? If so, you may need a higher concentration. We recommend starting with a small amount and working your way up.
Which part of the hemp plant is edible?
We know they are referred to as “hemp edibles” or “CBD edibles” – but you don’t actually eat any part of the plant raw. Your body does not absorb cannabinoids by digesting them like food. Cannabinoids need to be decarboxylated in order to feel their effects. This means they need to be heated to a specific temperature threshold before they become effective. This is why you either smoke, vape, or cook cannabis.
How do you make CBD edibles or hemp edibles?
The most common way to make CBD-infused edible treats is to infuse butter with CBD and then cook with it. Just make sure that you heat the butter to above 160 degrees Fahrenheit but below 200 degrees Fahrenheit before mixing in your raw flower. This is the sweet spot for decarboxylation. Any hotter, and you will burn the cannabinoids leaving them useless – any cooler and decarboxylation will not occur.
It’s a tricky process, which is why we recommend giving our edibles CBD products a try before making your own.
Why choose full spectrum edibles?
The answer is simple: convenience & pleasure. How does that old saying go? Kill 2 birds with one stone? With our Cinnamon CBD Honey – you can indulge in a delicious snack (1 bird) while getting your daily dose of CBD (2 birds). Add our CBD honey to your tea or coffee, spread it on toast, or just eat a spoonful. Use this the same way you use your local raw New York honey. Another reason more people are choosing CBD edibles is their numerous benefits and accessibility.
CBD-infused edibles are more enticing & accessible than other hemp products
Let’s face it, CBD oil sounds great until you taste it. I know I’d much rather eat a scrumptious CBD-infused chocolate treat or a CBD gummy over a drop of earthy plant oil. The best part is, you’re getting the same full-spectrum hemp extract in our edibles as you would get if you just purchased our tincture. This means that the same benefits from our phytocannabinoid rich full spectrum oil are extended to our CBD edibles.